Lot Loans

Lot Loan

Make the Perfect Location Yours with a Lot Loan.

What is a Lot Loan? 

A Lot loan is used to purchase a plot of land that you intend to build a future home on. This product is a good resource for borrowers that are interested in purchasing a lot now and getting their builder, plans and specs and cost estimate later. If you want to build in a year or two or three even, but you have a piece of land that you are interested in now, then this loan is for you!

Build your Dream Home on your new lot when you’re ready.

Whether you plan to build your dream home now or years down the road, we make purchasing a lot easy and convenient. Our Lot Loan allows you to build your dream home when you are ready and whenever you choose. And When you are ready to build, we offer streamlined construction to permanent financing.


See what others have to say about their experience Zillow Reviews. Or Contact me if you have questions.

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